Gummy Worm Drink Tipsy Bartender

Add vodka, triple sec and pineapple juice to base of punch bowl and stir to combine. Pour over orange soda. Drop in dry ice before spooning orange sherbet on top. Garnish with gummy worms. Apple martinis, also known as Appletinis, are the perfect combination of tart, sweet, and a little sour. There are a few different ways that people make this cocktail but you really can't go wrong. The bright color and fresh apple wedge make it a fun cocktail to serve and very easy to drink.


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You have a secret, a skeleton in your your closet. Brace yourself, you are about to be exposed. You! yes you, love 'vintage' candy. What is vintage candy? Like you don't know! Let's face it, you're not getting any younger but we'll indulge you...just for today. Vintage candy is that candy that you bought at the corner store as a kid (or at a dying strip mall if you're a native Floridian). These are the confections that have been around forever like Johnny Appleseed, Jolly Ranchers, Pixie Stix and maybe even Mary Janes. Then there is the mother of all old school candy, gummy worms! Created in the 1920s by German confectioner, Hans Honn (Haribo Candy Co.founder), gummy worms have changed over the years- sour worms, neon worms, cola worms and still, nearly a century later, we still can't get enough of those sweet creepy crawlers.Tomorrow, July 15th is National Gummy Worm Day. Wondering how to celebrate? If eating gummies straight up isn't your thing let us upgrade you with five gummy worm cocktails from Fort Lauderdale's finest bartenders. Bottoms Up!

Worms in Dirt
Created by Christine Albert- China Grill

China Grill
at Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina Hotel

1881 S.E. 17th Street

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

Stemware: Martini Glass

Ingredients: Bailey's Irish Cream
Oreo Cookies or any chocolate cookies
Gummy Worms

This recipe from China Grill bartender, Christine Albert, is a no brainer. Rim a chilled martini glass with a crushed Oreo or chocolate cookie, fill the glass with Bailey's , and add 1 or more gummy worm for a garnish. Voila! Dirty gummy goodness!

Tipsy Bartender Drink Recipes

Orange Canker
Created by Tommy Rampage-Poorhouse


110 S.W. 3rd Ave.

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Stemware: Tommy doesn't do stemware!
Ingredients: Orange Vodka
Peach Schnapps
Cranberry Juice
Gummy Worms

Use your discretion for measurements. We could tell you to add 1 jigger of each but c'mon, it's National Gummy Worm Day! You have permission to get a little heavy handed! In the stemware of your choice, add ice, vodka, peach schnapps, and cranberry juice.Garnish generously with gummy worms.

Saira's Silk Worm
Created by Saira Rivera- Bourbon on 2nd

Bourbon on 2nd
201 S.W. 2nd Street
Fort Lauderdale,FL

Stemware: Martini Glass
Ingredients: 1.5 oz. -3 Olives Citrus Vodka
Splash of Chambord
Splash of Club Soda
Squeeze of lime juice plus a lime wedge or peel.
Red Gummy Worms

Combine the vodka, Chambord, soda, and lime juice in a martini shaker with ice. Shake vigorously then strain into a chilled martini glass. Add 1 red gummy worm. Garnish with a lime wedge or peel. Want to double your old school candy fun? Rim the glass with Pop Rocks or Fun Dip prior to pouring in the liquid. Enjoy!

Crawlin' Jack
Created by Rick- Poorhouse

110 S.W. 3rd Ave.
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Stemware: Low or highball glass
Ice Tray
Ingredients: Coca~Cola Classic
Jack Daniels
Cola Flavored Worms

Add one Cola flavored gummy worm to each cube of your ice tray. Pour Coke over the worms and freeze until hard. Add cubes to (several ounces) of Jack Daniels. Kick it up with a touch of grenadine and cherries.
Garnish with Advil
(Legal disclaimer: The Advil garnish was joke).

Pee Wee's Tequila Shot
Created by Pretty much very desperate drunk with tequila and gummy worms on hand.

Stemware: Shot Glass
Ingredients: Your Favorite Brand of Tequila
Gummy Worms
Lime wedge

Unless you've lost a dare recently, you've probably yet to try a genuine 'tequila worm'. Tequila worms are pretty hard to come by these days but that's no reason to skip the agave! This is the easiest and most potent Gummy Worm Day drink. Use discretion, drink responsibly, and don't forget to flash your miniature finger mustache after you lick-drink-suck! This is an easy drink to prepare, pour a shot of your favorite tequila, add a gummy worm and hold on for dear life. Enjoy!

Happy Gummy Worm Day!

Gummy bear drink tipsy bartender

Gummy Bear Cocktail Tipsy Bartender

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Gummy Worm Drink Tipsy Bartender

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Gummy Worm Drink Tipsy Bartenders

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